How can I cancel a booking?

You can do this by clicking on the “Bookings” tab and then clicking on the booking you wish to cancel. From there, scroll down and click “Cancel Booking”.

Like Family has a clear cancellation policy in place in order to ensure fairness and equity for Social Carers and Members.

If a Social Carer cancels a booking:

The Member will not be charged and the Social Carer will not receive payment. Cancellation rates for each Social Carer are visible on their profile. Social Carers who cancel last-minute or with regularity will have higher cancellation rates than those who do not, so be sure to check their profiles for an idea of how often they might cancel.

If a Member cancels a booking prior to 24 hours before the booking:

The Member will not be charged and the Social Carer will not receive payment.

If a Member cancels a booking within 24 hours of the bookings start time:

The Member is charged for the booking and the Social Carer is eligible to receive payment*

*Members will not be charged for last minute cancellations if they occur as a result of an emergency or due to the need to take precautions against COVID-19 (including testing for COVID or returning a positive result). Social Carers will not receive payment for such cancellations.

If I reject a booking request within the 24 hour cancellation window will I still be charged a cancellation fee?

If a booking request is sent to you by a Social Carer after you both have agreed to services with one another, it should be accepted. This helps us to ensure that both parties have viewed and agreed to the booking that was created.

If you do not accept the booking, and reject the request within the 24 hour cancellation window, you may still be charged for that booking if evidence can be found that the booking was made in accordance with an agreement reached between you and the Social Carer.

In the event a dispute arises regarding rejected vs cancelled bookings, please contact the Like Family team who will provide assistance and conduct an investigation.