First Aid Certificates are an optional but highly desirable qualification for a Like Family Social Carer. You are not required to obtain one at any time, but you may wish to do so to be eligible for more work.
A First Aid training course provides you with valuable information that can be used to assist an ill or injured person until emergency help arrives. While the likelihood of you ever requiring the training throughout the course of your work as a Social Carer is fairly low, many everyday citizens choose to invest in this important knowledge in case the unexpected suddenly occurs.
Why should I consider getting a First Aid Certificate?
How to administer first aid to an ill or injured person is incredibly valuable knowledge that will benefit you both professionally and personally. Many Members feel additional reassurance if they know their Social Carer is trained in first aid administration, which will also make you a highly desirable applicant on their Activities.
Some of Like Family's partner organisations also require that Social Carers who work with the Members they refer to us be trained in first aid administration. These partners often refer large volumes of work to us, which would make you eligible to be selected for these Activities as they become available in your area.
Where do I obtain a First Aid Certificate?
St Johns Ambulance is the preferred First Aid training course for the NSW rural fire service and NSW SES. With over 135 years of experience in administering First Aid training, you will train under qualified experts and receive a nationally recognised First Aid Certificate. For information on available courses and current pricing, see the St John Ambulance Australia website for your state:
I already have a First Aid Certificate, can I use that for my work with Like Family?
First Aid Certificates are valid for a period of 3 years before they need to be renewed with further training. CPR certificates are only valid for 12 months. So long as your current certificates were issued within these timeframes, you are able to upload them to your Like Family account.
Where do I upload my First Aid Certificate?
Upload your valid First Aid Certificate under the "About Me" section of your Social Carer profile.