Providing Transport on the Like Family Platform

Requests for assistance with transport make up 30% of the activities posted on the Like Family Platform, making Social Carers with cars a valuable asset for Members. There are, however, some important things to consider before providing transport.

Social Carers who can offer transport to Members are providing a valuable service that enables individuals to access the community and attend important appointments. However, given the inherent risks associated with driving under any circumstance, but especially when providing it as a service, it is important to understand Like Family's existing transport policies and make several considerations before deciding if you wish to offer transport.

Do I use my own car?

If you wish to provide transport to Members, you will need to do so using either your own vehicle or a Member's car. The car or cars used must be clean, safe, and roadworthy. They must be adequately insured and you must be licensed and able to operate them. This is particularly important if you are providing transport using a Member's car, which may have modifications (such as wheelchair lifts) that you are unfamiliar with.

Does Like Family's insurance cover insurance for my or the Member's vehicle?

No, Like Family's insurance policies offer no protection for Social Carers or Members when it comes to vehicle claims or accidents. It is your responsibility to ensure that any vehicle you drive is adequately insured with Compulsory Third Party (CTP)/mandatory motor vehicle accident personal injuries insurance at a minimum, though we would recommend having comprehensive car insurance. If using your own vehicle, you should also verify with your insurance provider that you are covered if you use your vehicle for work purposes.

Can I be reimbursed for providing transport in my own car?

Yes. Social Carers are able to claim $0.90 a kilometre when providing transport to Members providing this has been discussed and agreed with the Member prior to the booking taking place. When you create the booking, please tick the box to specify transport assistance. When you have completed the booking, you can confirm the number of kilometres travelled. 

You are not able to claim kilometres traveled to and from bookings. You can only claim the kilometres travelled when the Member was in the vehicle with you or you are performing a task specifically at the Member's request (e.g. picking up their groceries while they are in isolation). If you attempt to claim kilometres to and from bookings, overcharge kilometres, or seek additional funds through transport in any way that is dishonest or in violation of these guidelines, you will be subject to disciplinary action and potentially removed from our platform. 

Can I provide transport if my licence was issued overseas?

Due to the limited time frame in which foreign licences can be used in Australia (3-6 months only), Like Family is unable to accept international driver licences for the purpose of providing transport to Members on our platform.

I've decided I want to offer transport to Members, do I need to provide documents to Like Family in order to do so?

Yes. If you have considered the above facts and wish to provide transport, then you must provide clear images of the following:

  • A photo or screenshot of your current driver's licence where your Full Name, Photo, Licence Number, Date of Birth, and Licence Expiry Date are clearly visible
  • A photo or screenshot of the registration details of each vehicle you own that you wish to use. You must ensure that the Number Plate, Vehicle Details (Make/Model or Body Type), and Expiry date are clearly visible

Upon receipt of your documents, a Like Family team member will review and verify them. Once this process is complete, you will be eligible to apply for activities including transport.