What is the Social Carer Code of Conduct?

The Social Carer Code of Conduct outlines the expectations around professional conduct and behaviour expected from all Social Carers and aligns Like Family with the standards set in the NDIS and Aged Care Code of Conduct for workers.


The purpose of this Code is to describe the standards of behaviour, professional ethics and conduct expected from Like Family Social Carers and support workers in their dealings with clients, support persons, advocates, co-workers, management and the general public.

Our organisation provides an open, welcoming and safe environment for everyone participating in our services. We provide high quality services for clients that are safe and welcoming for them. We seek advice and guidance from our staff, clients and their support people so these standards are maintained.


Policy Intention
The intention of the Code of Conduct is to provide a framework for Like Family which ensures every effort is made to have policies and processes that are fair, transparent and accessible and that persons accessing our services are treated with respect, dignity and equity.

In line with the Code of Conduct, Social Carers must:

  • Maintain professional boundaries
  • Not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol whilst providing services
  • Actively avoid any real or perceived conflicts of interest
  • Report incidents, hazards, and near misses in a timely and appropriate manner

Additionally, Like Family expects all Social Carers to comply with our specific Policies & Procedures.

If you are unsure about how to approach a specific situation, please reach out to the Like Family team for clarification. 

Standards of Behaviour

To ensure the highest standards of ethics, integrity and behaviour during engagement of services, the following outline the behaviour and actions in which all Social Carers and employees are to adhere to:

  1. Comply with all laws, policies, procedures, rules, regulations and contracts and reasonable and lawful directions from Like Family.
  2. Support Workers to sign in and out accurately at the start and end of each shift at the location assigned.
  3. Remain familiar with all current and relevant policy and procedures, manuals, guidelines and practice frameworks and ensure they follow these in carrying out their duties.
  4. Treat all persons, both children and staff in a professional and non-discriminatory manner, with proper regard for their rights and dignity. Discrimination, victimisation or harassment will not be tolerated.
  5. Accept the right of people with disability to make informed, autonomous choices in relation to their care and provide opportunities for them to be engaged in decision making on a regular and ongoing basis.
  6. Engage children in decision making processes so they feel valued, safe and supported.
  7. Work within the limits of their position at all times.
  8. Maintain a duty of care, avoid placing themselves or others at risk and avoid negligent conduct by giving sufficient consideration to their actions and decisions, and by obtaining direction and advice from their supervisor as needed.
  9. Encourage clients to provide feedback and actively support them to provide feedback, make a complaint or resolve a dispute without fear of adverse consequences.
  10. Maintain client privacy and confidentiality, in compliance with privacy legislation and Like Family’s Privacy Policy, during and after the termination of contract or employment with Like Family.
  11. Observe health and safety policies and obligations and co-operate with all procedures and initiatives taken by Lke Family in the interests of work health and safety.
  12. Communicate and co-operate with colleagues and other service providers and agencies in the best interests of clients.
  13. Take appropriate and timely actions in the event of an incident or hazard identification to minimise harm to clients or others, seek medical or emergency assistance where required and follow Like Family's incident reporting policies.
  14. Promptly report any violations by co-workers of law, ethical principles, policies and this Code to our Head Office.
  15. Keep appropriate records as required by customers and complete these in a timely and accurate manner.
  16. Be truthful in all dealings with others in the conduct of work. Staff must not make false or misleading declarations or falsify records and other documents.
  17. Maintain punctuality and advise both participants and Like Family, as soon as possible, if late or unable to attend work in line with the Leave Policy.
  18. Display the appropriate image of professionalism at the workplace by ensuring appearance is in keeping with Like Family Dress Code Policy requirements and presenting I.D badge when required (Support Workers only).
  19. Treat everyone with respect and honesty (this includes staff, volunteers, students, clients and their support people).
  20. Remember to be a positive role model to clients in all your conduct with them.
  21. Set clear boundaries about appropriate behaviour between yourself and clients in your organisation. Boundaries help everyone to carry out their roles well.
  22. Follow organisational policy and guidelines for the safety of clients as outlined in the Child Safe Organisation Policy and Participant Safety Policy.
  23. Record and act on suspicions or notifications of abuse or neglect to a client.
  24. Act ethically, professionally, and within the law at all times, including:

Violating the NDIS or Aged Care Code of Conduct

Any Social Carer who acts in violation of the NDIS or Aged Care Code of Conduct will face disciplinary action and may be removed from the Like Family platform. In cases of serious misconduct, you may be reported to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission or Aged Care Commission. Read our Disciplinary Actions article for more information.