How do I make a booking?

Once you have found the right Social Carer for your needs, you can make a booking in a few simple steps.

A booking can be created by either a Member or a Social Carer. This Help Centre article describes how a Member can create a booking.

1. Message the Social Carer 

Message the Carer to confirm the booking time and date. Please note - you must have previously messaged them to make a booking.

2. Make a Booking

Bookings page on the Like Family dashboard. A red arrow points at a "make a booking" black button

Once the Social Carer has confirmed their availability, click on the “Bookings” tab at the top of your Like Family dashboard. On the Bookings page, click on the “Make a Booking” button, located at the top-right of the page.

Then, select the Social Carer's name and fill in details about the booking, including:

  • the start date and time
  • frequency of support e.g. weekly
  • whether transport is required

3. Social Carer receives Booking Request

Once you have created the booking, the Social Carer will receive a “Booking Request”. They should “Accept” the request on the platform prior to the booking taking place. 

If your Social Carer created the booking, you will need to accept the request.