What is the transportation policy?

Providing community participation supports may, at the request of a Member, involve a Social Carer accompanying a Member on a community outing and/or transporting a Member from their home to the community.

Transport costs during a booking

If a Social Carer agrees to use their own car during a booking to help a Member access the community, the Member has the option to pay $1.00 per kilometre to cover vehicle costs, including fuel (of which a Carer will receive $0.90 per kilometre). Kilometres covered start from when a Carer picks a Member up, to when they drop them off.

If a Member is an NDIS participant, they can flexibly use their plan’s core support funding to claim service provider costs associated with transporting participants to and from NDIS funded community-based activities. If the Member's support budget does not include funding for transport, then these costs should not be met from their plan, but can be charged as an out of pocket expense.

Other transport costs

For other transport-related costs, such as public transport tickets, road tolls, and parking fees, a Social Carer may negotiate with the Member for them to make a reasonable contribution towards these costs.

Safety and compliance

Before a Social Carer can provide transport assistance with Like Family, they must:

  • provide a copy of their valid Australian driver licence
  • provide proof of vehicle registration for every vehicle they wish to use with Like Family
  • declare that any vehicle they drive is adequately insured with Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance at a minimum
  • ensure their vehicle is clean, safe and roadworthy

Learn how to upload your transport documentation here.